A Few of my Favorite Things

I have tons of apps on my phone. Many of them I don't even remember what they do (my smart phone is smarter than I am). Now that the app for the church has been updated, I find myself using it several times a week. Here are few of my favorite things:

  1. The Bible feature - This is a good app for everyday reading and for looking up the scripture text during worship. There are several different translations available, an audio option, and a reading plan.
  2. The Calendar - This feature highlights some of the big events that happen outside of the weekly routine. Just click on one of the events to get all of the information you need. 
  3. Quick Connections - Do you want to watch the service on Sunday morning on Facebook or YouTube? Go to the connect page and quickly access our social media pages. Do you want to call or email the office? You can find the church number and email on the Connect feature. 
  4. Finally - I can be on my phone in church. Am I reading the Bible? Taking notes? Checking the score of the game? No one knows. ;)

Take some time and look around the app. Let me know what you like the best.

Becky Long
Director of Communications
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